The Scream(Norwegian: Skrik)
Edvard Munch, 1893
Oil, tempera, and pastel on cardboard
91 cm × 73.5 cm (36 in × 29 in)
National Gallery, Oslo
I watched the video about
Web 2.0 and I was amazed. I’ve seen the impact the Web has had on society, but I guess I never fully comprehended its true impact. I’ve considered myself computer savvy but in view of the video, I’m not as savvy as I thought I was. Learning about the new forms of communication this technology offers us as writers has been very enlightening. It’s exciting to know all the new forms of communication that are available to us, if we are willing to take advantage of them.
I realized watching the video that I have become a product of Web 2.0. I would rather email or IM (I haven’t learned to text yet) my friends than talk to them on the phone. A majority of my daily activities revolves around the Internet. I am hooked and I never saw it coming.
Technology is great but what effect will all this have on interpersonal relationships? We talked to people around the world and in real time sitting at our computers, but we don’t have that one on one, eye contact or the inflection or tone of someone’s voice that moves us. Will or has it affected our capacity to be compassionate or considerate toward others? Where will this technology take us? Will we be writing our books in abbreviated text? What will the language of the year 2050 be?
Even with those concerns, we as writers are living at the greatest time in history. We can self-publish and put our dreams, stories and thoughts on the internet for the world to read. How can we take advantage of this technology? I agree with Taleone that using podcasts is one way to get our writing to the masses. I also believe that blogging is another good method. My intent with this blog is to not only use it to explore the exercises of “Writers 23 Things to DoC List,” but to use it as a platform to express myself and share some of my writings.
Even though I have always considered myself among the curious, there are aspects of Web 2.0 technology that I’ve never considered using such as this blog. This journey is going to be a grand adventure for me and those who choose to follow along.